Monday, November 17, 2008

Alone Time

Seth and I enjoyed some quality time together this past week in Charleston. I had my annual marketing conference so Seth took the week off and was able to come with me. We stayed at the beautiful Francis Marion Hotel and Seth golfed while I was in class during the day. At night we ate delicious seafood and was in bed by 10:00. It was nice to catch up on some much needed rest and relaxation. We ended up cutting our trip a little short because Owen's double ear infection reoccurred and he was running a high fever. I overheard him while on the phone with my mom say, "I want my mama". That's all she wrote, so we packed up and left Charleston at 10:00pm Thursday night. Many thanks to Bach and Vee for keeping Owen for a few of days and to my parents for taking such good care of our sick little boy.

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