Monday, September 22, 2008

A Sunday Afternoon

The next day, Seth and I decided to spend a little quality time with Owen since Sunday was his actual birthday. We slept in that morning (thank goodness) and went out later for a birthday lunch. While driving we tried to think of a restaurant where Owen could enjoy his favorite meal, pizza, and where Mama and Daddy could avoid a kid atmosphere (if you know what I mean). We ended up at Brixx Pizza, which was the absolute perfect spot. We were able to sit on the patio, next to a beautiful water fountain, and enjoy some great pizza!

After lunch we took Owen for his first visit to a pet store. One of Owen and Daddy’s favorite past-times is to take a trip to our neighborhood gold fish pond and feed the fish. So, you can probably guess what we were looking for in the pet store. An hour and $45 later we had a Betta and everything else to keep it alive! Owen found that naming his fish was no problem, as Nemo seems to be adjusting well to his new environment. Owen can’t get enough of his new roomie!

Happy Birthday to my sweet little angel, who I thank God for everyday!

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