Sunday, September 28, 2008

A Weekend to Relax

Thank goodness! We were finally able to enjoy a relaxing weekend. Friday night, we had a nice dinner at home and snuggled in bed for a good nights rest. Saturday morning came bright and early as we dressed in our orange/white and headed off to Tiger Town. As it turned out the weather was cool, the food was great, and it was an absolutle delightful day for a game. Any better and we would have WON! Oh well, Owen did enjoy a Tiger Cub celebration before kick-off where he was able to have pictures taken with the Clemson Tiger and the Rally Cats; although, I think daddy enjoyed that more than he did! Sunday was filled with naps, strolling, feeding the goldfish and a couple of golf cart rides.

Too Close for Comfort

Owen and his friend, Jackson, playing before the game.

Waiting for kick-off.

Owen sporting his new hat.

What game?

One word sums this up - Spoiled!

Sunday morning fun.

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